Thursday, September 15, 2016

My Favorite Whimsical & Romantic Fonts

Hi, again today I want to share my favorite whimsical & Romantic fonts, this is not only fonts that I adore, but recently I keep using this fonts !

Some Fonts are brushy, swirly on the edge, but also they are so beautiful,

the links to download it for free will shown at below.

credits to the owner who created all this beautiful fonts and share it for free, thank you so very much for your courtesy!

hana zm Web Developer

Monday, August 15, 2016

Hello, this blog is temporarily neglected, abandoned. Bukan karena sengaja, tapi kegiatanku yang makin sibuk, sebagai guru,  newbie mother, dan ngurusin online shop

Maaf belum bisa share tentang banyak hal kecuali kehidupan pribadi.

this little girl saying hi !
hana zm Web Developer