Saturday, September 1, 2012

New Inception Project ~ Finding My own Sense in Literature (more)

And oh Yes, is it September already ? what would we gonna do with this blog ?
it's like an abandoned site, yeahs I've been spending so much time in my WordPress, tumblr, and deviantart, but not here.
Well, this could be the (again) inception. Delighted for the new rearranged templates I've been working for. Just love this teal like Green, OMG I fond Green so much 

My New Project here is?

Finding My own sense in literature (more),

Though I've been publishing poems and poetry so many times and publishing it in my WordPress, why ain't I try it here?
ind of,
Dari sejak Mts belajar bikin puisi, karena sebetulnya ada pelajaran balaghah. dan baru menyadari betapa luhurnya anak kelas 1 smp belajar mengetahui komponen-komponen dalam syair arab :| . Just, Oh God 

Probably, I like Literature so much, sastra things, puisi, pantun, novel sastra, syair, apapun mereka disebutnya maybe in reading side, not in writing side.
tapi, lambat laun sering juga ternyata membuat hal-hal semacam itu (unnoticedly)

so I kind of delighted to write some literature things,

My dream was about to own my own literature novel, and I know someday i'll make it come true.

Sedikit jadi mengenang saat-saat masih berada di Madrasah Tsanawiyyah, dan tentu saja karena project kali ini 'Finding My Own Sense in Literature (more)'

Akan saya coba dengan membuat sebuah cerpen.
September Birthstone, "Sapphire"
1432H Syawal 13

hana zm Web Developer

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