Friday, January 30, 2015

Agonizing pressure point of some people

I never wanted to begin a twitwar on twitter. Nothing wrong to tweet your feelings out because of some thing that annoy you.

This 2015 i am trying to be honest with my self, to never had a trouble in my mind that could always ruin my mood right away.

Yes i diss, i dislike, to see inappropriate behavior in public. Apparently for something that happened regularly and always happen.

Exactly for some person that I know.

And for this case, I TWEETED.


with not mentioning the exact person I refer to.

Oh please people do it everyday, they tweet what they feeling. And yes I was did it on purpose, to change the behavior that she had.

How the hell that could ever happen, yes that's true that my followers making fun of it. Because you did, and recognize that the person I talking about is you. Why?  Because you react to me and text me. Oh great, now you finally get it. Amusing. I apologize right away and you still really really mad. Oh hello, now you don't accept any critics from people? From an old friend?  Oh how angelic you are, so flawless.

You said that I talking about you in your back?  Oh love, what is that for. I TWEETED and for humanity sake I have right to tweet. You could also tweeted about me, and tell lies about me, because I got nothing to do with inappropriate behavior in public. So what you could dig about me?  What you could dig?  Is there any lack of me that people hated me for? IS IT ? Search, browse, googling my self for something bad that I ever did to people, mess with me. I don't afraid of it. Because I know what I did is the right thing. If I never tweeted about it will you change your habit?  WILL YOU ?


I did it for my deeds. For the sake of your sanity, I know deep in your heart everything about your habit is wrong, with or without I remind it to you via whatever you want to. I know you are friend of mine, I love to chat with you but after you had a boyfriend there is no way you would ever hanging out with us again. And that inappropriate behavior that you defend for you blame everything in me just BECAUSE I did it in Twitter.

I don't and never need you to judge me, I never want to messed up with somebody's life. I know Allah is on my side to keep things straight. I don't care if you hate me, I don't care if you hate me because you think I was talking in your back, I don't care if you will forever hating me in your life, I did it for your life, my deeds, and I am in a deep sin if I don't tell you the right thing. If you are still Moslem there is no BUT. THERE IS NO BUT. you have to accept all you did about it that it's wrong and repent for forgiveness to Allah. If you are a true moslem, do it right.

And don't ever blame me for what I did. Because I told you everything that you ask and you end it with just read my message.

Ini bukan tentang orang orang rugi atau Engga kalo kamu kaya begitu. INI TENTANG KAMU. kalo kamu gamau dikasih tau ya gapapa,saya ttep punya pahala karena hanya Allah yang tau tulus nya hati  seseorang bukan manusia atau siapapun yang bisa nilai. Kecuali THE JUDGE HIMSELF. AlHakiim.

hana zm Web Developer

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Favourite Onlineshop in Instagram

Sebelumnya terinspirasi sama postingan Dilla saat sharing Rekomendasi Online shop Instagram Favourite nya, karena Dilla berdomisili di Bandung, Rekomendasinya cocok banget buat aku, yang hanya order online jika onlineshop bersangkutan sejauh jauhnya ya jakarta bogor, (gak berani order sampe ke Batam)
Aku berdomisili di Bandung, jadi kalau ada online shop yang shipped from bandung udah paling seneng banget, soalnya ongkos kirimnya pasti lebih murah karena satu kota.

So here ya go, !

Udah paling nyaman sama cici yang satu ini, untuk order kosmetik original USA dan original Korea, Cnl_Beauty_Shop juaralah. Pelayanan ramah, harga relatif paling murah, kualitas barang nomer satu, packing rapi dan aman, pre order hanya dp 50% aja, ga minta lebih! aku sebenernya pertama nemuin online shop ini di Tokopedia, waktu itu mau order Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream, jadi aku add pin BB nya, karena prosedur jual beli di tokopedia mesti d acc dulu sama topednya, kini aku lebih nyaman langsung transfer ke cici nya dan langsung tanya tanya soal barang yang ingin aku order. Dan beliau tau banyak soal make up !
Mana ada gadis yang gak suka tas? mana ada ? well Picquet bags adalah salah satu akun insta terpercaya dan model dari tas nya keren keren, kualitas jangan ditanya, pasti sesuai dengan deskripsi yang telah diposting oleh mereka, respon ramah dan udah banyak sekali testimoni untuk mereka,

aku sendiri begitu menghubungi mereka via Line, langsung dijawab dan langsung menyertakan format, kalau barangnya memang ready, pasti langsung dikirim ko, dan yang mereka posting dan masih ada di insta biasanya ready.

Shoppa_Shopp layak banget untuk dijadikan langganan, fast respon dan terpercaya, dari pada kamu order custom case ke onlineshop yang cuma lebih murah Rp. 5000 aja, lebih baik order ke sini deh, adminnya gak bawel dan profesional. Kalau barang nya memang ada, order kita pasti cepet sampe
Aku sendiri permah ngalamin order customcase di tempat lain dan di oper sampe berbulan bulan, tapi shoppa_shopp memang yang terbaik.

Nah kalau online shop yang satu ini direkomendasikan langsung sama adikku, akupun ikut follow akun instanya, Tasnya keren keren dan kualitas ga boong, sesuai dengan yang ada pada deskripsi
untuk yang terbiasa beli tas buatan indonesia sih buat aku fine fine aja, toh kalau buat beli tas yang asli buatan luar bukan online shop tempatnya, hahaha =)

Buat yang kamu yang hobi beli parfum ori spore atau original singapore, ini tempat yang paling pas untuk online shop. Shipped from bandung, dan hobi banget ngadain Buy 2 get 1 free perfume, keren banget ga?

hana zm Web Developer

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The most effective makeup and beauty products website

Previously I was posting about makeup in my early twenty,

Now I will reveal the most effective ways to keep update the news of makeup and beauty products!


Pinterest is the new style, pinterest is like a bunch of micro article whom very informative and simple. By using pinterest we could share our interest in so many things and then, Pin it! Yes the tagline is Pin it, Love it, and Share it! And times to times I found pinterest is like a really a huge bookshelf of anything we love and interested in, by following the accounts that active and online every day, and every hour, we could see every post organized in a single photos. Of course we can click the image and go directly to the link, but the information is now packed in a picture!
It’s look like this,
click to see the full picture

Nothing is more handier and directly without using your smartphone!
And in your android, it will look like this. The interface is amazing and user friendly, nothing is better that pinterest, even tumblr apps instead.
click to see the full picture

This is my pins and my boards
click to see the full picture

This is my Likes and my Following
click to see the full picture

And finally the internal browser of the pin,
click to see the full picture

This is my timeline, where feeds of my following pinned things
See ? every feeds that you love, when you follow makeup pinners, it will rush to your timeline directly.
click to see the full picture

This is the link of the pin, this is the main article of the pin.
Right ? pinterest is the most effective media to get up to date about your makeup news!


This is nowhere but place of MakeUp Artist being recognized for the first time!
I search for tutorial of so many makeup to do and the makeup artist upload the videos humbly, they got some credits for making a tutorial and for their videos to being watched, and they love their job so very much! They taught us to feel pretty and beauty not just because the makeup, but their soul is beautiful too.
These are some video of my favourite makeup artist that available on youtube:

Samantha Ravndahl  

Chloe Morello

Lauren Curtis

Laura Leth

Kathleen Lights

Shannon Shaaanxo

Carli Bybel

Kandee Johnson


There is obviously so many community on Instagram, and as for Makeup Artist and Makeup Junkie too, so many of them.
I told you they are so humble, and skillfully with no doubt.
And the photograph of their works ? PROFESSIONAL !
I was asking a tutorial of Naked 3 Palette to Vanillia_2607, and she is making it for me ! look how
clever she is making it as the tutorial!
click to see the full picture
click to see the full picture


She even explaining the detail of products she wear.


And this look is from thelipstickjungle_
She even answer my question!, if your comments is not late she will answer it!

Blogger and Google+

Another effective way of searching review of product is, Blog! And the effective way is not about googling it, you can search it through your google+ page, as this example below :
click to see the full picture

You can sort it for the Best of, or The Most Recent category.
hana zm Web Developer

Blogging, Facebook, Twitter, and Song of the month

Blogging, Facebook, Twitter, and Song of the month

So finally this early 2015, as you can see in my previous post is that one of the resolution of my new year is a “one post a day”. And I found it’s not bad at all, because every each day of this January is so shockingly important. I never thought that I was a good writer though, but I have a thing to be a good blogger, I guess.

Someday this blog will be a complete timeline than I never had before. Last years I was really active in Facebook, I do posting articles, notes, photos, but for now I think things that really linger everyday will be written in a blog, not in a social media, especially twitter. When your tweet will drain so fast because you retweet too many tweets.

Once upon a time, when MTV still aired freely in national television in Indonesia, there is always “Song of the Month” every single of the month, and I think for my January 2015, my song of the month is The Script for The Energy Never Dies.
The Script never upset me, their song is always been a hit. Yes as the alternative music listener, The Script is always be my favorite band ever.

Here is the lyrics, I got this from

The Energy Never Dies

I cross my heart and I hope to die
Me God strike me down if I tell you lies
Stay here forever looking in your eyes
24/7 baby 3-6-5
I'll take your hand and I'll hold real tight
I'll tell you life's just for playing so don't think twice
Let's catch the moment in a flash of light
24/7 baby 3-6-5
If we're gonna feel alive, let's feel it now

We could all be blown to pieces
Because time's a ticking bomb
We can all be dead tomorrow
But our love will carry on
When you know your days are numbered
And you're looking in my eyes
It's not the end, cause the energy never dies

Oh, oh oh, oh, oh
And this is my favorite quote of the lyrics.

hana zm Web Developer

Makeup in my early twenty

When I do a flashback to the early 2014, I think I was doing a preparation for my own wedding.

And I was having a deep interest in makeup.
My mother is always be my role model for a woman being, and I know that my mother less wearing makeup. And me too, I don’t want to be a heavy makeup junkie, because my job is not a makeup artist so my interest in makeup is just for knowledge, of how could a woman look so perfectly beautiful and flawless in the magazine cover? And it turns out it’s not just a Photoshop, but the model, or the artist itself had to wear a perfect makeup for a perfect photo shoot effect. So yes, I was curious and the side effect of it until now is that I love to wear a better makeup product, I love to browsing around in the internet just to fulfill my curiosity of a product, whether I will buy it or not.
The benefit of browsing around, watching many videos of various makeup artist, is always lead me to the idea that to be beautiful it’s not about what makeup we wear, how expensive and luxurious our makeup products are, how perfect your eyeliner applied on your lid is, but it comes from our heart, like the smile of your face that won’t really effect every people you meet every day if it’s not coming from our heart, we always have to be humble human being to look beautiful, we always have to be smart, independent, because dumb is never cute.

I never spending too much money in makeup, so when I want to buy a makeup product, I convince myself to never fail and wasting money in that product. Every product that I bought have to be a infestation of my money, so I always so picky to buy makeup products. Because before I never googling anything about makeup product, I was believe in oriflame and it turns out all of the products I purchase is bad and the advertising is so really really too much. Because the product is never as good as the advertising say. And it happens on oriflame, you can google review of oriflame product yourself, and you will find that the cons review is so dramatically much more, than the pros reviews. So now, before buying any makeup product, you have to be picky and browse it before, and always keep an eye for the ingredients. Because somehow even the highest company cannot insure you that the product demand is free of mercury animal testing.

hana zm Web Developer

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January, 16 2015. Bandung

Tepat 17 January 2015, dipagi hari.
Menyusul karena keadaan tubuhku yang menolak untuk datang bulan, akhirnya dengan deg degan campur excited campur penasaran, me and my hubby doing a pregnancy test.

Using testpack yes, and the result is...


So unbelievable, akhirnya ngerasain hamil juga. Omg, gatau deh mau bilang apa. Yang pasti ini anugerah dari Allah subhanahu wata'ala dengan segala rahmatnya, memberi kami amanat untuk menjadi orangtua.

Awalnya emang kaget karena gejala yang dialami sama persis dengan pre menstruasi atau PMS. Sama persis, pegel pegelnya, sakit badannya, sakit pinggulnya. Sama persis.

Dan lucunya, tepat seminggu sebelumnya, kira kira hari rabu, saya keracunan. Lucu sih, keracunan tutut sawah tapi kok mama sama adikku makan tutut ga muntah muntah ya, lemes bangetlah itu. Dan hari itu doang aku muntah muntah mual gila. Dan sama sekali sekarang pun 20 january 2015, hana sama sekali ga ngerasain mual, mual dipagi hari, mual disiang hari, atau kapanpun itu. Engga.

Hebat kan,
Jadi intinya, yang terjadi pada saya adalah, kehamilan itu gaselalu diawali dengan mual muntah morning sickness dan segalanya.

hana zm Web Developer

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

You still love january

Siapa kira karena pembangunan (muka depan) gedung E pembelajaran jurusan teknik informatika jadi se-tidak-kondusif ini.
Jadi direncanakan January sampai bulan Maret ini gedung E akan dirombak agar layak menjadi gedung utama di SMKN 4 Bandung.
Sehingga gedung E yang menjadi tempat sebagai kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa siswi TI, (RPL, TKJ, MM), tidak bisa ditempati.

Kelas 11 lagi prakerin, jadi siswa-siswi 10 & 12 TI bisa 'mengungsi' ke kelas lain.

The shocking news is, para guru produktif TI pun pasti ikut mengungsi.

Maksudnya, yang biasanya kami bersarang di jurusan TI sekarang harus pindah kemana (?)

Ada yang ke perpus,
Ke ict,
Ke jurusan audio video,

Dan KBM tidak kondusif karena infocus dan terminal sulit didapat. Karena gudangnya ada di gedung E.

hana zm Web Developer

Monday, January 12, 2015

You Love January

Salah satu resolusiku adalah,

🔶🔶🔶get organized🔶🔶🔶

So soon as it is, the schedule of my early january
Berbarengan dengan dimulainya kegiatan belajar mengajar semester genap, makaaaaa

Harus agendakan
⬆Buat ke tempat prakerin siswa,
⬆Buat Proposal Tugas Akhir,
⬆Selesaikan Laporan Kerja Praktek
⬆Finishing modul CSS semester genap
🔼Review ulang Pemrograman C

hana zm Web Developer

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weekend as usual is

Blogging is my thing now.
So today I was in my hubby's parent house.
Weekend is a day when me and my hubby have a night there.

Dulu biasanya dirumah lagi nyantai, kalau sekarang diabiskan sebagai waktu bersama keluarga. Apapun yang dilakukan nantinya disana.

Bersamaan dengan itu timbul rasa iba. Melihat sekarang orang orang hobi banget curhat di status bbm. Apa semua orang curhat ? Masih masuk akal kalau isi status nya menceritakan yang sedang dia alami. Tapi kalau pikiran ? Ide? Kok ya di ketikin di status bbm. Meningan blogging toh, asa di historynya dan memang tempatnya. Bukan di status bbm yang nantinya malah jadi spam.

hana zm Web Developer

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mie Bakso di Bandung

Banyak mie bakso yg enak di bandung.

Salah satunya yang enak dan sayang kalau dilewatkan kalau lg dibandung adalah mie bakso seberang BRI.

Ohoho enak banget mie ayamnya, mie bakso solo mas muslim.

Tepatnya di jalan margacinta, nomer berapa ya. Ga ada nomernya sih, yang pasti seberang BRI margacinta disebelah toko mebel.

hana zm Web Developer

Aplikasi android untuk blogger dan tumblr

Okay for numerous post, saya rasa gaperlu lah selalu ada introduction mengenai apa yang akan kita bahas. So it is about android apps.
Sejauh ini searching and browsing belum menemukan android apps untuk blogging blogger dan tumblr sekaligus. Yang ada ya hanya aplikasi per blog nya. Tapi kalau mencari android apps untuk Blogger dan Wordpress, aplikasi androidnya sudah ada.
Hanya saja kemarin kemarin lagi error dr servernya.
Namanya Soffice

soffice memungkinkan user untuk posting secara bersamaan pada eaktu real time ke dua buah blig sekaligus. Blogger dan Wordpress.
Soffice dapat di download langsung secara gratis melalui play store di handphone anda.
Saya sudah mencoba, dan benar benar berhasil. Tapi sayangnya sekarang lagi error.
Waktu itu lagi error karena host imagenya. Sama sekali tidak dapat upload gambar baik ukuran kecil maupun besar (padahal sbelumnya berhasil)
So the conclusion is, untuk tumblr sendiri, kita dapat blogging menggunakan aplikasi blogging tumblr. Dan blogger untuk blogger
hana zm Web Developer

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Love #1

No one ever say every fall in love will last forever

hana zm Web Developer

Resolusi sepanjang tahun 2015

 Saya punya kebiasaan blogging diawal tahun, kemudian bablas ga nulis-nulis lagi sepanjang tahun sampe pertengahan tahun .
Which is despicable. So this year, succeed or not i want to avoid those kind of  thing. Berhenti pura-pura sibuk, pura-pura lelah walaupun lelah beneran, mari blogging dan memberikan manfaat yang lain terhadap yang membutuhkan.

Mari kita mulai dengan mendaftar sebuah resolusi!
Bukan hanya resolusi awal tahun, tapi untuk sepanjang tahun.

di tahun ke 22ku didunia ini, sebenarnya beberapa resolusiku sudah tercapai ditahun 2014 dan 2011, gratefully.

dapet kerja, udah
menikah, udah

Beberapa hal akan di kelompokkan menjadi to do list untuk dilakukan dan feeling nya. IDK, have anyone ever use this ?
jadi kedepannya akan lebih baik jika saya :

To-do list :
  • g e t  o r g a n i z e d buat to do list, never procrastinate. Ga nunda nunda kerjaan. 
  • get productive than ever , lebih produktif setiap harinya, bukan terus hobi fangirling dan scroll insta terus terusan
  • meningkatkan kualitas mengajar
  • lulus kuliah dengan baik dan selamat
  • posting tiap hari blogger, wordpress atau tumblrnya.  Bukan path atau twitter
  • hidup sehat
  • semakin rajin nabung buat masa depan
  • sholat tahajjud rutin
  • semakin berguna untuk orang lain, sadar hidup di dunia hanya sekejap dan harus bawa bekal untuk akhirat
  • menguasai berbagai resep pastry and cake selain brownies
  • Beli Wacom. Pengen banget beli pen tablet aaaa
With :
  • semangaaat . Sadari hidup di dunia hanya sementara jangan terlena sama orang orang yang hura huranya lebih heboh dari apapun dan secara tidak sadar jd meningkatkan level hura hura sendiri
  • semakin bersyukur dan berbahagia akan segala hal yang menimpa
  • semakin tulus ke siapapun
  • semakin menerapkan taqwa dan ga berkeluh kesah
So let's do this, a post a day, won't hurt! yeayy !!

hana zm Web Developer

Friday, January 2, 2015

About 2015

Hana Oh hello 2015, everybody is writing their resolution every January right ? Or maybe december

Sebenarnya beberapa resolusiku sudah tercapai beberapa tahun ke belakang.

About resolution, it's happening, and then, one of my resolution is writing resolution . Okay. Do you get it ?
No ?

Belum pernah menulis resolusi secara terperinci dan posting semuanya sebelumnya.
Akan dijelaskan beberapa hal tentang blog ini (karena resolusi tahun 2015)

Jadi, tentang menulis blog dan bagaimana gaya berbahasaku di blog adalah...

  •  I've run this blog for a long time. Sejak akhir masa smk, sebelum kuliah sepertinya 12 -Januari-2012, yeaaay.( duluan buat akun tumblr)
  • Seperti syndrom blogger indonesia lainnya, aku juga sering melakukan code-mixing atau mencampurkan dua bahasa atau lebih dalam menyampaikan sesuatu. Jadi, maaf jika beberapa post disini berbahasa selain bahasa indonesia, atau terdapat beberapa post yang berisi prose atau quotation bahasa inggris. Since this is my personal blog, my mind love to switch and blabbering in English. Sometimes, just sometime.
  • The content ?
  • The content of this blog itself is, EVERYTHING.  Because I love To share everything that comes from my mind.  
  1. Karena saya seorang guru mungkin kalian akan menemukan beberapa hal tentang pendidikan, siswa, proses pembelajaran, atau hal yang sedang saya ajarkan, (dan yang saya ajarkan adalah bahasa pemrograman) maka akan banyak sekali yang kalian temui, termasuk bahasa java, pemrograman php, etcetera. 
  2. Kemudian, saya adalah seorang wanita, and I found it's natural to love cosmetics, so several posts in this blog contains beauty makeup, beauty care, and cosmetic products review.
  3. And ? Prose, poetry and poem , Puisi, cerpen, kata mutiara, lyrics. Segala hal yang menginspirasi.
  4. And thoughts! a personal diary need a story, somehow I suceed to write a story about my self.
  5. I'm an android user, so glad to share about apps, games, tutorial of how to root, and else.
  6. I am a geek. Well instead of everything else I love the sky, stars, clouds, planet, the great photograph of nature and scenery
  7. I am not the girl that use Gue, Gua, atau Gw to announce her mind. Saya rasa sulit untuk membiasakan diri ber elo gue ria, since i live in bandung and never use that languange. Jadi beberapa hal jika saya keceletot, mungkin kata 'saya' jadi 'aku'.
hana zm Web Developer