Sunday, December 7, 2014

Things I would say to my ex's girlfriend

First of all, I've already married now, for 5 months since June 15th this year.
I'm not writing this because I have personal issues to my ex, or hating his girlfriend.
I am still his friend on Facebook. So sometimes the feeds of his recent updates still come up at one place in my timeline home.
I literally cannot deny that his life is full of surprise, lucky for him to get a girlfriend tough.

Three or four times, one of his friend did 'mention' me in his post update's comments . I am not willingly to see it by coincidence, or anything. But wow, after we've been through, after all of my steady, openly goodbye and decision that I told him, I'm still the issue. I am still the issue of his 'ruined life', 'ruined life passion', and everything. I am still the reason of his unnecessary flashback scene. I am still the person that they love to gossip. So those are things that trigger me to made this up, and post it in my blog. So his girlfriend will read it, (it would be you now) and finally ‘The infamous Hana that ruined your boyfriend’s life’ could introduce herself.
So hear me out. And if I was a book, don’t judge me for the cover that I used. Read me out until the last page so you can understand.

 The very bright point I know is, that 3 years is not a short time to go on, and then you can buy a new book to read for. 3 years is not a short time to pack up your luggage and go for the next flight. I know exactly how would it feels, if I was somebody's man. When I had a relationship with him, it was in my high school era. As a teenager, I am not that open to a guy, it was so hard to convince me and finally had a relationship with me. I am not somebody that used to have interest in people, flirt him, and date him. Even my last ex (your boyfriend) is the second person that I had relationship with. (I think you would considerate it, because you were a teenage girl too). I am not someone that blindly furious of his busy activities back then, I was not the type of girl that jamming his schedule frequency to my liking and interest. Sometimes that is the key if you want to have a long lasting relationship, I think.

Everything was so good, if we were not planning to have a further level of relationship. We were in the same age level, same birth year. Which is an obstacle, to my type of husband, to my marriage life plan. So when list of guy came to my house and asking me for their wife to be to my mama and papa, it comes as a threat for our relationship. He knew, that several guy came to my house, because I told him. I am not a bad person that you have to hate. I am not some of “PLAYER GIRL” that everybody have to talk about. I am not that beyotch.

It is up to you, that you would believe me or not, but single guys around me, were had interest in me to be their wife. It is not my fault, that list of guy came to my house and asking permission to my papa and mama. You know that. Even if the condition that I still had a relationship with him, you know that even if I have a boyfriend, I am not still tied to an agreement that made me couldn’t receive those demand to be their wife.

So then he came like the other list of guy, and I didn’t know a thing, he didn’t ask me for my permission that he would came to my house and asking my parents that he had interest in me to be my husband too. That spontaneous thing is happen, and I was in the middle of UTS or mid semester test back then. So I cannot go home and watch him had a conversation with my parents. And then he upset, because he himself knew that he is not good enough to be more than of a boyfriend. According to my parents judgment he is too young to be my husband, and the difference of our age level is too close, back then I was 20 years old, and he was 20 years old too.  

But then life is go on, and a month after that there was ‘hurricane’ in our relationship,
He posted some flirty tweets to the other girl in his twitter.
And it was a BUNCH of tweets! I still could remain in my mind how disappointed I was back there. How long is my crying session back then? It was so hurtful, yes pain in my eyes, I cry a lot that night. But I thought it’s just a conversation, so I keep it light and never keep it to the surface, and pretending that there is nothing wrong of him and I continue communicate with him like nothing happened.
But I was wrong.
He flirt more.
And it was more disgusting than it were before.
His tweet conversation with that girl is tenser.
He even said that we were broke up to that girl.
So the next session of my crying session is come up again, and I was crying up again. So I confront him, I talked to him why does that disgusting tweets had to ever happen? I asked him, did he still love me? If true, why is that happen? Why did you tweeted like that to the other girl? Am I not good enough than that girl in your twitter? Am I not beautiful enough than that girl? Do you choose me or her? And you know what his reason are?

 “Aa khilaf, aa frustasi dan gatau harus gimana”
  I was slipped, I was frustrated of what just happen and don’t know what to do
 “Aa gatau kalau eneng tau aa punya twitter”
  I don’t know that you knew that I have twitter account 

 He was slipped, yes what a dumb reason that even had to ever exist. How could you slipped for plenty times? How could you slipped and tweeted some flirty disgusting tweet to the other girl? How could you don’t know that I know your twitter account? How could you slipped and tell the world that you were broke up with your girlfriend? HOW COULD THAT EVEN IN A SLIPPED CATEGORY?

 So I was miraculously forgive him, I accept his apology, for being loyal to our relationship before that tweets ever happened. I forgive him and said to him that maybe my feeling is not deeper than before. Shit happens. And so does life,
  • Part of me thought that it was clues from god that I have to left him
  • Part of me thought that this was planned by him so I can constantly hate him for a long time
  • Part of me thought that my personality is bad
I less care to it, and go on with my life. And months after that, my decision of my life soul mate to be is thinner and thinner every day.
So after list of guy came to my house and asking my parents about me to be their wife,
I deduce that we have to ‘break up’ I want a break up, I said it to him, in a phone.
I said that if he still want to fight for me, it’s fine. But I will considerate it later.

Months later, My decision is finally come to surface, me and my husband to be (my husband now), are going to engage.
My parents love him. So did my husband parent. I said my decision to list of guy that want me to be their wife, And when it goes to my last ex, I told that I have a decide a husband that I come up to with, I did cry a lot, in front of him. I don’t know why does that happens, it is not because that I still love him. But I feel sorry for him, to have those dream that doesn’t came true.
And then after my engagement with my husband, we’re happily married in 15th of June 2014. I invited him, but he said that he won’t come and still relives the time, and said that it is not necessary to invite him.

Time flies, and months later it happens again.
His friends on facebook talked about me again, mentioning my name, but did not tag my facebook account.

And darn it, I SEES those comments that feels like hating me, I don’t know their problem. Do they hate me or not? I don’t care. I have no interest of joining their problem.

But girl, if you feel like you are tired of it, if you think that you are tired with all those joking comment in his facebook, I do too. I was tired of it too back then, I dislike it. If you think that I was the one that loves to be a joke in their comments when I was with him? I am not. I don’t like to be a part of their jokes, now or back then. I was not enjoyed it. 

So whatever you did now, all of my advice is would deduce to one conclusion:
 Do not waste your time 
 Do not waste your time to tag along with his social media activities, if you cannot keep up. Because believe me, it hurts. I know it hurts to feel humiliated in social media. Among his friends. Include If you love him or not, it’s up to you, I just want to say that feeling free is number one. And feeling happiness without a doubt, IS THE RULE. b6b84-original
hana zm Web Developer

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Awesome lucid dream

Saya tidur dengan keadaan bahagia. Sebelumnya dengan suami saya makan makanan yang well cooked. Tanpa ada rasa marah, kecewa. Tidur dengan posisi yang paling nyaman.

Sekarang 02:37, dihari selasa 25 november 2014.

Dan tadi itu, merupakan lucid dream yang sangat menyenangkan. Oh dan FYI, saya terbangun karena melanjutkan sebuah kegiatan berulang ulang.

back to the past

Saya tidak pernah membayangkan kembali ke masa lalu suami saya. I know, my mind and unconsciousness trying to find something that i want to know there.

Tapi berakhir dengan situasi bahwa saya adalah siswi yang terlalu banyak tahu dikelasnya. Okay. Dikelas suamiku lebih tepatnya.

Of course it's amazing, barusan di lucid dream ini saya mengingat struktur terakhir yang bisa dikembangkan dalam pemrograman web php. Mungkin karena di siang harinya hari ini ketika bangun saya sedang membuat soal php, dan berkutat secara langsung menyelesaikannya sampai suami saya pulang dan menjemputku di sekolah.

Jadi yang paling saya ingat, kami berada di sebuah lab komputer. Saya tidak ingat persis dimana suami saya saat itu. Komputer tidak terlalu banyak disana dibanding jumlah siswanya, tapi entah kenapa, ada sebuah layar utama yang mengacu kepada hal utama yang kita sedang kerjakan. Kami ternyata sedang mengisi sebuah form. Yang anehnya menurutku sangat mirip dengan aplikasi dapodikmen terbaru saat ini. Mereka bingung. Siswa siswi ini bingung dengan apa yang harus mereka lakukan. Dan dengan anehnya di mimpi ini saya memberi tahu segala hal yang seharusnya dilakukan. Kecuali tampilan interfacenya yang sangat sangat dengan sengaja dan pasti window 98 - ish.

Saya lupa suami saya ada dimana. Tapi yang saya ingat dia tertarik dengan saya disana.
An good to be true, he is the only one that i cared for there. Saya ingin secara langsung menarik perhatiannya.

Well you know, saya dan suami memiliki rentang usia yang jauh. Saya lulus SMK ditahun 2011. Sedangkan ia lulus SMA tahun 2001 atau 2002 ya ?

Dan tahukah. Lucunya mindset saya di lucid dream tadi hampir sempurna, semua siswa dan siswi benar benar menggunakan seragam yang cupu. Oh sorry. Maksudnya benar benar putih abu yang sangat mirip dengan gaya putih abu film Ada Apa Dengan Cinta ditahun 2002. OMG, my mind that awesome.

Jadi guru pelajaran TIK, (atau apapun dulu dia disebutnya)
Memberi kami sebuah tugas, praktek mengisi form. Well 2002, saya belum melakukan research tentang database apa yang kira kira digunakan ditahun 2002 dan well armed untuk website saat itu. Karena interface yang kami hadapi sangat lah HTML ish sekali. Well, LoL that.

Kami mengisi isian nama, alamat dan lain lain. Secara bergantian. It seems so. Neat. Rapi dan tertata dan tidak ada inception yang mentrigger saya untuk bangun. Saya memberi tahu banyak arahan terhadap siswa dan siswi disana, mereka mengerti tapi sekali lagi mereka sangat anxious terhadap komputer. Oh please dear, it wont broken if you just click here, type there, click here and type there.

Enough sarcasm.

Beberapa siswa dan siswi selesai mengisi form ini, maksudnya form yang kami kerjakan bersama ini. Tapi sayangnya setelah bebeapa siswa siswi tadi selesai, saya terbangun. Triggernya karena saya melakukan hal yang sama berulang ulang. Ya itu tadi memberi tahu hal yang sama kepada orang orang yang berbeda. Mungkin bisa jadi note untuk kalian, bahwa hal tersebut bisa mengakhiri lucid dream anda dan anda akan terbangun. Atau mungkin artinya pikiran yang lelah untuk berkreasi hal yang baru dan sedang jemu, dapat mentrigger hal seperti itu. Yaitu terbangun. Tapi memang benar sih, beberapa kali saya berhasil menghindari nightmare lucid dream, atau lucid dream mimpi buruk karena saya melakukan hal yang membosankan dan berulang, atau membuat diri saya dimimpi itu tersenyum tiba tiba. Yah, seperti melakukan hal yang pikiran atau otak kalian kemudian terkelabuhi. Seperti tadi, otak saya terkelabuhi karena saya melakukan hal yang berulang ulang tidak secara detail. Otak saya tidak secara detail didalam mimpi tadi,memberi tahu text field mana saja atau bagian mana saja yang hatus diisi didalam praktek kelas itu.

Namun yang terakhir yang saya ingat sebelum bangun. I feel my young hubby is amazed of me. Suamiku ketika muda, dikelas itu terlihat tertarik dan kagum (well i know how would he feels amazed i'm his wifey now) so target accomplished.  And fyi, saya tau dan kenyataannya suamiku adalah semacam.. "asisten dosen" di praktek TIK saat ia SMA. Jadi dengan pengetahuan tersebut yang ada di otak saya, saya dengan mudah ingin mengetahui masalalunya dengan pergi ke sana.

Dan lucunya, he had no idea about that damn task that teacher give him. Oh Ya Allah, so funny to find him clueless!

Untuk para lucid dreamer, dan oneironaut diluar sana, semoga laporan langsung ini berguna ya. Keep lucid dreaming, and make your mind busy.

Love 💞

hana zm Web Developer

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Kampanye Sayang Bandung

Baru pulang kerja, exhausted and boring, as a netizen melihat fenomena banyaknya kampanye sayang bandung berupa pesan dan tagline dari figur menarik yang ada. Alhamdulillah bandung begitu kreatif dan semakin meningkatkan minat dan kreativitas di bidang apapun.

Jadi terpancing untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam kampanye sayang bandung. Dengan implementasi sebenarnya agar kita tidak membuang sampah sembarangan. Sooo this is a macro of girls' generation kampanye #sayangbandung


yoona sayang bandung


fany sayang bandung, ini yang pertama di post di dunia maya, baik di akun facebook, instagram, tumblr, kaskusone, dan twitter


sunny sayang bandung. sunny juga sayang bandung loh, yuk kita sama sama sayangi bandung

Well, jika macro dan meme memiliki copyright, copyright by me.

And anyway, mari kita sayangi bandung!
Salam bandung Juara !

hana zm Web Developer

Friday, October 10, 2014


Click the Image to join !  #JourneyToMars

Oh hi dear,i found this interesting boarding pass through my student, this is interesting.
hana zm Web Developer

Friday, September 26, 2014

Oriflame pure color lipstick review (ulasan)

Oh halo,
It's a good day.
I have never been a make up blogger. Ever. But this time i will try to post something about my very first purchased make up list.
Saya tinggal di bandung, indonesia. And much of girls here, are using Oriflame. Karena berawal dari katalog yg ditawarkan melalui ibu-ibu mereka, atau teman kantor dari ibu mereka.
So my very first lipstick i ever purchased is Pure color lipstick.

Pure color yang pertama dibeli adalah pure color vintage rose.
It is so cute on the advertisement actually, pure color memiliki pengiklanan yang sangat keren di katalognya. Ditambah dengan model oriflame yang selalu menawan.
So i choose vintage rose and use it to work. Opini yang paling mencolok adalah. Lipstick ini bertekstur krim. Or creamy as people usually say. Saat digunakan anda akan mengalami OK condition, nyaman dan sangat terasa menempel dibibir karena permukaannya yang creamy. Menutupi segala permukaan kering yg terjadi pada bibir.
But then hello, time's up. Saat waktu istirahat tiba saya selalu dan selalu kehilangan jejak lipstick ini di bibir. Where does it go ?
Saya minum air mineral biasa melalui gelas. Dan disana lah jejaknya. Lipstick ini sangat tidak tahan lama, kemudian saya mulai memaklumi akan harganya yang sangat murah.

So then this is my review :
full review of oriflame pure color lipstick :

-Not a last long lipstick
2-3 jam saja. Kemudian anda mesti reapply this product on you lips. Cukup menjengkelkan untuk keseharian kerja saya yg tidak setiap saat memiliki waktu untuk mengecek kondisi make up.
-The smell is fine. Harum sesuatu, seperti fragrance flowery. But it doesnt matter.
-The package is bad. Maksud saya, karena kemasannya yang compact, dan anda mesti selalu reapply, antara tutup lipstick dan lipsticknya sendiri menjadi sangat sering dibuka tutup. And in my humble opinion, packagingnya sangat ringkih. Karena milik saya tutupnya sudah tidak mengunci lagi dengan lipsticknya.
-Komposisi ?
Well several blog said that this lipstick doesn't enter the contents. Tapi pada lipstick yang saya pesan tertera daftar ingredients pada kemasannya. Dan sejak oriflame mengatakan bahwa mereka mnggunakan bahan-bahan alami, so it's okay.
-The color is nice. But it doesn't even nicely pigmented, at all. Beberapa ulasan mengemukakan bahwa ini salah satu lipstick yang berpegmentasi di kulit bibir. Tapi tahukah anda, ketika beberapa menit berlalu. Warna asli dari bibir anda akan tampak. Berikut dengan strain dan garis bibir. Juga kerutnya. I dont know, i think its to opaque and transparent. And my lip color is not so dark.
-Then again i don't get too pessimist, kemudian saya beli lagi pure color dengan warna soft coral. IT DOES THE SAME.
Cepat hilang, mudah mengering, dan tidak terlalu berpigmentasi.
Which is i dislike the most. But sorry, i won't repurchase this lipsticks.
Saya gak akan beli lipstick seri ini lagi, karena setelah membeli dua lipstick pun. Hasilnya tetap sama.
"I'm not a beautilogist or someone who study in beauty, I'm just a costumer, and I hope you understand"
  -Hana ZM
hana zm Web Developer

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Suatu kegiatan belajar mengajar dihari kamis

Okay, hari ini ditengah kelas XI RPL II tahun ajaran 2014-2015. Kami telah melangsungkan kegiatan belajar mengajar seperti biasa. I am able to post this, because the students are coding right now. Saya yang biasanya berpartner, kali ini mengajar sendirian. Biasanya kami menyebutnya 'single parent'.

Ada event Kihajar disekolah. Sehingga kami harus melangsungkan pembelajaran di lantai satu. Which is we find it difficult to concentrate. Fasilitas dilantai satu untuk praktikum tidak seperti fasilitas yang biasa kami nikmati dilantai dua.

No extension. Gak ada terminal. Sehingga tadi harus cari dulu. Well the least. Akhirnya saya dapat terminal dua buah. Electricity, we need you the most.


hana zm Web Developer

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

hanoue now on bloglovin!

Hello, now this blog is on BlogLovin ! Follow my blog with Bloglovin
hana zm Web Developer

Saturday, August 9, 2014


I never did a very big effort in my blog. Maybe start from today i will

"You see but you dont observe"

hana zm Web Developer

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to flash Samsung Galaxy Y Duos GT S6102

My Phone is  Samsung Galaxy Y Duos GT S6102

I was "installed" my phone to several ROM, the last ROM I used is TechnoDuos, Once my Phone is going error and lagging so bad.

So then I have to install Stock Firmware again, and here's How to flash Samsung Galaxy Y Duos GT S6102 to it's Stock Firmware,

Necessary Downloads and Tools :
After download those file, follow this step :

Your Phone :1. Make sure the battery of the device is charged more than 80 percent.
2. Make a backup of all your important data before following the guide.
3. The Galaxy Y duos should be factory unlocked and not locked to any particular carrier.

Your PC:
1. Install USB Drivers for Samsung Galaxy Y Duos on your computer. (Or samsung kies)
2. Enable USB Debugging Mode on the device by navigating to Settings >> Developer 
How To :
1. First extract the downloaded files on your desktop.
2. Now Reboot your device into Download Mode:
- Turn Off your phone.
- Press and Hold the Volume Down+Home+Power keys all together at the same time for a few seconds.
- Once you see the warning message, then just hit the Volume Up key and you’re done.

3. Next, Run the Odin application on your PC. I use Odin V3.07 by Manoranjan
4. While in Download Mode, Connect your Galaxy y duos to PC via the USB Cable and make sure you've successfully installed USB Drivers for your phone on PC.
5.Check that Odin has recognized your device. and the ID:COM port will either turn blue or yellow and you should also see an Added!! in the message section.
6. Also chek that the ‘Auto Reboot‘ and ‘F. Rest Time‘ and rest leave the default Odin settings.
7.Click on the PDA button and browse the Firmware update file.(if available)
8. Similar to that select Phone (modem) ,CSC .
And wait, if your Samsung Kies windows is still opened, Closed it. If You don't close it, com port in your Odin wont be detected.
9.After selecting the correct file (tar.md5) then hit START button and wait.
10. Finally you need to wait for Odin to completely flash the update file. As it completes, Odin will notify you via the PASS!! Message and your Galaxy y duos should automatically reboot.
11. If it does not reboot automatically reboot then go to recovery (vol. up+power+home)  mode and clear cache and wipe data. (this will usually happen)
12. If your phone again and again repeating samsung logo on it's screen, unplug the battery of your phone, and put it again, then restart. Congrats, your phone has finally on it's stock firmware again. Cheers ~!
That's it you have successfully flashed your samsung galaxy y duos.

Thankyou for TricksDroid
hana zm Web Developer

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mengubah port 80 pada xampp

Jika anda pengguna XAMPP sebagai salah satu webserver, kemudian anda menginstal SQL SERVER 2012 saat hendak mengunjungi localhost, pasti akan tertera

HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.

pada halaman website anda, salah satu kemungkinan yang terjadi, (jika tidak terjadi troubleshooting lain seperti penghapusan folder atau folder xampp yang hilang) maka port 80 yang biasa digunakan Xampp positif digunakan oleh SQL SERVER 2012,

untuk mengatasinya, saya ingin berbagi cara mudah untuk mengubah port pada xampp :)

Setelah mendapati Xampp Control panel anda berhenti dengan indikator

5:33:24 PM  [Apache] Problem detected!
5:33:24 PM  [Apache] Port 80 in use by "system"!
5:33:24 PM  [Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
5:33:24 PM  [Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
5:33:24 PM  [Apache] or reconfigure Apache to listen on a different port

tutup Xampp control panel anda, kemudian buka explorer anda C:\xampp\apache\conf

folder yang akan diubah berada didalam folder xampp pada drive anda pernah menginstal xampp, di dalam folder apache > conf

buka file httpd.conf menggunakan notepad atau notepad++,
cari baris script  seperti ini

ServerRoot "C:/xampp/apache"

# Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
# ports, instead of the default. See also the <VirtualHost>
# directive.
# Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to
# prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses.
#Listen [::]:80
Listen 80

abaikan baris dengan awalan tanda pagar # ubah angka pada Listen 80 dengan angka lain, untuk hal ini saya menggunakan angka 34 (Listen 34)

sehingga penggalannya akan tertera pada script seperti ini
ServerRoot "C:/xampp/apache"

# Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
# ports, instead of the default. See also the <VirtualHost>
# directive.
# Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to
# prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses.
#Listen [::]:80
Listen 34

pastikan anda tidak merubah baris skrip apapun lagi, dan gunakan nomor yang belum digunakan oleh port lain. Jika sudah selesai, simpan file yang telah anda ubah tadi. Ctrl+s :D
Maka selesai, panggil kembali Xampp control panel anda, nyalakan module yang akan anda gunakan

untuk mengakses localhost pada website anda, jangan lupa bubuhkan angka yang baru saja anda gunakan untuk mengganti port 80 tadi,  untuk saya tentu, alamatnya jadi berbeda yaitu localhost:34/

Apache dan mysql anda sudah dapat digunakan lagi sekarang, semoga post ini bermanfaat dan, Happy Coding :D ~!

hana zm Web Developer

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2nd January 2014

Hello 2nd day ~! this person has zoned out for so long right?
I Apologize for all the late post though

well, should we start?
gratefully we are still here, earth, 2014~ yeay.
what it was like to live up to this era ?
crazy? tempting? hard? happy?

this continuum of era is highly modern, sophisticated, awesome~!
as the social media phenomenon crawling to the top as human being habit. Everyday, every hour, every second, you can get somebody's feeds of news in a blink of an eye!
well in my era it was friendster, the only website that user friendly enough to us Asian people, yet now i am really love websites ._.

in my opinion, social media is good. They're very usable to post any information we need. Here I am tryin' to share things, that I still do. Fortunately up until now. Take a peek~
Yes it's a wall, yes, a Styrofoam ._. Red Styrofoam exactly. And bunch of pinned paper, sticky notes, an old photo, Calendar yes.
but that is not my point, my point is this hall of sheets, my lady, is a room wall organizer. 
How many of (girls) people today is still using this wall organizer? Raise your hand ~!

Maybe i am not in the age to use wall organizer since it is so many cool application you can download for free as a reminder, a calendar, or a memo in your smart phone. Yes, my lady it's not about how old fashioned my smartphone is. 

It is about how effective this method to remind you about everything you have to do. Well, in this case i am not pinned every to do list in my wall organizer yet, yes it's 2nd day of 2014 anyway, so~ (oh well, few hours later my wall organizer is going to be a mess with sticky notes everywhere).

And, it is simple! yes, maybe you thought that, "but its going to be a lot of paper i have to buy"
yes yes my lady, it's going to be a lot of paper if your to do list are so easily accomplished every day.
SO ? use a worn out paper, girls~(all hail green energy)

because when you're in your room, every time you wake up from your sleep, you'll see that annoying (well) dreams, target, or to do list you have to do. Every time. well my lady, it works on me
REALLY well, you have to try it, get organized start from today, reach your dreams, and try to do everything on efficient time. Good luck.

hana zm Web Developer