Hoi hoooi ~~~
I was lagging in some space here ~~
beberapa cerpen tertunda karena aktivitas yang kurang memungkinkan untuk menyelesaikan ,
Hari ini cukup padat, tapi dirumah , kenapa ?
Because it's time to Cook and Code ~!
Yes it is , yes it is, saya sempat masak sambil coding ~
Why is it cook and code . because I was doing my coding in the kitchen , yes , it is possible.
Here I am to share the recipes ~~
Greeny Veggie Soup
Sayur Sop Hijau
Wortel Buncis Sosin Bawang Bombay Bawang Putih Seledri Sosis Baso Ayam |
Carrots Snaps Sosin Onions Garlic Celery Baso sausage Chicken |